So this Saturday I attempted my first time trial! I arrived nice and early thinking I could get in a warm-up and be ready and relaxed when I rolled to the start line. Unfortunately things didn't exactly work out that way. I realized when I tried to put the front wheel on the bike that I did not have a front skewer. I had borrowed a set of Zipp 404's from the shop and unfortunately stupid Zipp wheels don't come with a skewer. So I then proceeded to run around the parking lot asking people for a front skewer. I finally found the Vision Quest guys who had an entire car full of wheels and they had one I could borrow. So now I figured I was ready for the warm-up....but aarrggghh no not quite yet. I then found out that I wasn't quite sure how to pump up the rear wheel because of an odd valve extender thing. Yes, the awesome Zipp wheels turned out to be a hassle yet again. So eventually I gave up and decided the wheel had enough air and put the bike in the trainer and hopped on to start the warm-up. Unfortunately at this point I also looked at my watch and realized I needed to head to the start line in approximately 5 minutes....hmmm that may not work. Luckily though I walked over to the registration tent and was able to get a later start time. So now I will finally get to the interesting part....the riding. The first few miles felt terrible, but the rest was ok. There was one point towards the end after racing up a hill that I didn't think I had anything left in me for the last few miles, but I dug deep and found something. And raced it into the finish line. In the end I averaged about 19 mph for the 32K. Not great but still not bad, I'll take it for the first attempt. Then the results were posted yesterday and I found out I got 2nd place in my division! Woo hoo, silver medal! Too bad there were only 3 people in the division, but we'll just ignore that small piece of information. :)
So I think that's all the info you need on the TT. It was an interesting experience and it may happen again sometime.
Today was a fantastic day, my last day of being able to do things that are more enjoyable during the week. So my mom and I took the dogs and headed up to the Indiana Dunes for some beach time. Ginger had a great day of running and swimming and she is now completely knocked out. :)
Ok time to head to bed, up early tomorrow for a ride before work at the bike shop.