This past weekend was a busy one, full of ups and downs.
Saturday I woke up early, and dressed to head out for a run. I dressed for 40-45 degree temps, but when I got outside I realized it was probably around 30 as I could see my breath. The smart me would have gone right back inside to add a layer, but I didn't, I just kept on going. Got part way in and saw a Golden Retriever that has escaped from it's owner and was running around, so I called it over and I was trying to hold onto the dog while the owner walked over. Before I knew what was happening the dog was attacking Ginger! This was
definitely not playing, he was attacking!
Definitely not cool! I couldn't get them separated for a while, and when I finally did we couldn't get away because as soon as we tried to move the dog followed. So I just sat Ginger on the ground and knelt down next to her and blocked her until the lady and a neighbor got the other dog under control. After which, the stupid lady walked over, with the dog, to apologize. I wanted to scream at her "Get that dog away from us!" But she was more concerned with making it to her appointment in time, so I let it go. Who would have thought that a Golden Retriever would attack!?!? Ginger was
ok though thankfully, and we were able to finish out the run, but as soon as we got home, she laid down and was out for the rest of the day. I'm sure the combination of fear/adrenaline and running wiped her out. It
definitely gave me a scare too, but I had to keep moving.
That afternoon I headed down to
Champaign for Sara's bridal shower! It was a very nice afternoon, and what I consider a perfect shower! Just hanging out and chatting and no games! Way to go Isabel! Oh yes, and the cupcakes were definitely a good added bonus!
Mmm....delicious! After the shower, I got back in the car to head home. I thought about staying but after not seeing my house much at all last weekend because of the sale and with the morning's events with Ginger, I really just wanted to get home. So all in all, I spent 5 hours in the car for a 4 hour party. Worth it though, I'm super excited for Sara and Bill!
Just a quick side note.....California Pizza Kitchen is ridiculous. I stopped in to pick up a Mediterranean Salad with chicken when I got home Saturday night....imagine my surprise when the total was $18.58 for just a salad! Seriously, who charges $4.00 to add chicken??
Sunday of course was Easter. It had kind of a rocky start....but smoothed out eventually. Started with brunch with Steve's family, where we even got a picture with the Easter Bunny! (Creepiest Easter Bunny I have ever seen by the way). After brunch we hung out with Steve's mom for a bit, then had about an hour to ourselves, and then off to the Anderson's for Easter dinner with my family. So yes, basically it was a day of eating. And it was all topped off by a Cub's win! Way to go Cubs!
I will say that my major accomplishment for the weekend was wearing my new pair of white pants and managing to not get them dirty at all! Yea me! :)