It’s always nice to find out that you were right isn’t it? I used to think that was an accurate statement….until this weekend. I decided (stupidly) to go out and try running, in hopes that I would realize that my foot was fine and I had just been babying it and prolonging the injury only to avoid running. Part of me knew it was a stupid idea, but it was so nice out, and nice days in November in Chicago can make anyone do stupid things. So I Skirted up and headed out the door. ½ mile in and I thought I was doing ok (besides the fact that I was realizing quickly that I hadn’t run in 2 months), but after the first mile I felt the pain. Not good. At that point, a smart person would have turned around…. But no, not me. I decided to try walking a bit, and then start running again.
2 miles in. Yikes, ok, now this hurts. Time to head home. “But maybe I’ll try this new route instead of my usual that would get me home after about another mile.” Yeah, that was a brilliant idea. The new route put me on a very round-about path to home, and since I was starting to run late, I figured I needed to run some of it. After about 3 miles when the pain was shooting up my leg I realized I had made a very big mistake. But there was nothing I could do about it at that point. So I sadly limped the rest of the way home.
But at least I know it wasn’t all in my head, right??