In other news, I finally got back into the gym last night to do some lifting. I have been on a bit of a break from it (yes I know I’m a slacker) but it felt good to get back to it last night. I was careful not to overdo it as I often do, and as a result I have the perfect amount of soreness today. Not the “oh my gosh, I can barely walk” soreness that I usually get after taking a break. Just the good soreness that let’s you know you got a good workout in – I love that!
There are always things that amaze me at the gym. Well maybe amaze isn’t the right word, let’s say confuse, shock, make me wonder, annoy etc… Here are a few of those things: (and I had to throw in the "gym rat" :) )

- The amount of people who apparently have never heard of deodorant. I think that one is pretty self explanatory
- The guys that apparently make going to the gym their event for the evening. You know the kind I’m talking about. The guys who will lift something heavy a couple of times, then stand around for 15 minutes, talk to some people about how much weight they just lifted, then maybe go check out the muscles in the mirror. This trend seems to even be spreading to some of the girls now. There was one girl that sat on one machine and did maybe 2 sets in the time that it took me to do almost a whole circuit – approx. 15 minutes. I have to say that I really don’t understand this behavior, as when I go to the gym I’m there to get my work out in and get out. I don’t want to be there for 3 hours!
- Ok guys, it’s great that you can lift really heavy stuff but don’t leave all of that weight on the machines! I know you like to show off, but when other people want to use the machine we don’t want to pull off the ridiculous number of 45lb plates you put on there. Please don’t try to keep the girls out of “your area” by leaving heavy weight stacked all over the place. Some of us aren’t intimidated or impressed by that behavior, it just makes us dislike you for your rude behavior. And remember, some girls go to the gym to actually work out, not just to look pretty and bounce around on the elliptical a little to get your attention.
- LEAVE THE PHONE AT HOME! If you can’t manage to be away from your phone for the time it takes you to complete a work out then you’ve got some problems. And if you can talk on the phone while working out then you probably aren’t working hard enough. I saw a girl last night that was on her phone for at least 20 minutes while trying to lift weights, it was ridiculous.
Ok, enough about the wonders and oddities of people at the gym. I just had to get that out there though. :) What good is a blog if you can’t rant about things every once in a while??
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