Yes, it's true, I'm back, reluctantly though, I might add. I had a fantastic 4 days playing in the mountains of Breckenridge. It was great to catch up with the Boortzes, but even better getting the board out again and hitting the slopes. The mountains definitely make me incredibly happy and one day I will find a way to spend lots more time out there. For now, though I just need to find ways to spend more time with the Boortz kids. Kim, Drew and I all got along great, and it looks like some trips to the DC area will be in order sometime soon.
Other than, I'm just trying to figure out a certain situation. It's always something, isn't it? One of these days it will just be easy and I guess that's when I will know that it's right.
Oh yes, and apparently it's a new year! 2009. I probably should be writing a post where I reflect on all of the things that happened in 2008 and all of the plans that I have for 2009, but to tell you the truth, I just don't have it in me right now. Maybe I'll come up with something, or maybe I won't. Honestly, I would like to see some big changes in 2009, but due to a few obstacles, I don't expect these changes until later in the year, so it seems more appropriate to talk about them then.... One goal though is to find ways to visit a lot more of you that I don't get to see all that often. And just a reminder, there is always room for visitors at my house! :)
Good night for now. I hope you all are having a great beginning of the new year!
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