Monday, June 8, 2009

Summer?? Where are you??

This is really starting to get ridiculous. It's June, it's supposed to be getting warm and nice out! But we are 8 days into June, and I have had to turn my heat on for 4 of those days. I keep trying to avoid it, but then I realize that I'm sitting on my couch under a blanket since it's around 60 degrees in the house and I give in. Keeping my fingers crossed that it manages to get nicer for SkirtChaser this weekend!! :)

Today I tried a Grapple....and I have to say, they're kind of odd. Looks like an apple, has the consistency of an apple, but also has a weird, slight grape flavor. They don't taste like grapes....they taste like purple grape candy flavor. So bizarre. After my first bite, my mind was telling me "it's an apple, no it's a grape popsicle, no it's an apple....aaahhh!" I think I'll stick with plan old delicious apples, dipped in peanut butter please....even better!

Oh yes, and this weekend I learned why the phone locking app on the iphone is such a good idea. Don't you hate it when you start doing something that you know you shouldn't do, but you do it anyway! Arrgg....I fail! I also seem to fail lately at keeping my mind on anything else when I fall asleep. This process of moving on would be so much easier if I could just make the stupid dreams stop!!

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