Monday, March 10, 2008

I miss BikeSnobNYC...

Since BikeSnobNYC is on vacation (*tear*) I feel the need to share this with you. For those that don't read BikeSnob's blog, you may not quite understand, but trust me, he would have some hilarious comments about this one.

Some choice excerpts from the post:
"I have this bike, it is beautiful. people will stop you to tell you how beautiful it. they will also leave notes on your bike to tell you how beautiful it is. i know, because this has been my bike for some time. "

and my favorite....

"has pedal powered lights installed, but they've never really worked, the light is dim, and you have to pedal harder to light them, and they turn off when you stop pedaling. but they look cool!"

Oh BikeSnob, where are you when we need you?

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