So I decided to give yoga another shot tonight.... I was going back and forth all day about whether to head over to the gym to take a class for free, or up to the yoga studio by my house and pay for it. I decided to opt for the free option. I had to drive to the north location of my gym, and I now know why I only go to the small express gym location by my house. This place was huge!! I circled around the parking lot a few times (stress level rising...) finally found a spot and headed in. There were people everywhere!! I walked passed the studio where the class would be held and noticed that it was pretty full already. At this point the stress level rose another notch, how was I going to relax if I was constantly worried about hitting other people during the poses?? So I marched right on out of the gym and called the yoga studio. "What time is your next class?" "7:30" "Perfect see you then" So I got back in the car and drove to the studio.
Ahhhh relaxation. I went with the Level 2/3 class this time since the Level 1/2 kind of bored me last time. I definitely got plenty of practice on my downward facing dog!

All in all it was a great class, plenty of stretching and still challenging. It looks like this might get worked into the weekly routine for Wednesdays considering I bought a punch card and everything! Janelle would be so proud! :) I still need to work up to this pose though! Yikes!

And now it's off to bed for a good night's sleep. Good night all!
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