Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A little bit crazy.....

I had another appointment with the acupuncturist last night. I've decided that she's a little bit nuts. Which really isn't helping the cause of me believing in this stuff.

The last treatment didn't help at all, which totally baffled her. She said that she was stumped. (Great, now I feel better about your skills...) So she tried a new approach last night, instead of just putting needles in the spots she thought they should go, she decided to use a poking maching thing and find the spots that hurt more than others, then she put needles only in those locations Yowzah!! It definitely was not a pleasant experience. Only made worse by the fact that she felt the need to stay in the room and "share her energy" since mine is so low. (she then complained about having to do that, since she really needed all of her "energy") Unfortunately she couldn't share her energy quietly....she rambled on about crazy things and how good she is at her job the entire time.

Can you tell I'm not a fan of this lady?

So far it seems to be another wasted hour of my life.... Anyone else have an idea for the miracle that will finally fix me?

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