Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I'm back....

Ok, I fully admit it, I have been a terrible blog owner as of late. It's funny how you go through phases with these things: at times feeling the need to share every single event that happens exciting or not, and at other times, not feeling the need to share anything at all. But it does happen, and hopefully there are a few of you out there that are patient enough to ride it out and keep checking for the day when I do post again. So here it is.

Lots has been happening lately actually. The biggest update is that there is a new man in my life. What's funny is that so many people (mostly guy friends) find this incredibly hard to believe. Yes I know it had been a while, but yes guys, I was able to find someone who will put up with me. I think that is the extent of the details I will share on the blog for now. If you would like more info and you know how to reach me, then feel free to do so. :)

I was sent out to California for work last week. The work part of the trip wasn't terribly exciting, but I did get to visit my grandparents while I was out there. I hadn't seen them in a while and they are definitely getting older, their current situation is kind of sad, so it was rough for me. But the good news was that I did get some In-N-Out Burger while I was there..... Gotta love a cheeseburger protein style and fries. Mmmmm.....

The traveling has put the riding on hold for a little bit, but Carrie came out to visit this past weekend and we had perfect weather. So I grabbed a bike for her from the shop (note to others: putting Carrie on a Cervelo RS is a bad idea if you want to try and keep up!) and we headed out for a ride through Barrington Hills. She kicked my butt as usual, but it was good. I needed it. Hopefully the weather will hold out so I can make it out to intervals this week.

It looks like summer is officially over here in Illinois. We had our final nice weekend with temps in the high 70's and then yesterday turned to about 55 and raining. It was so cold!!! Today is a little nicer with sun and temps in the mid 60's, but it's expected to get down into the mid 40's overnight. Brrr.....

That's all for my weather report, and I think it's about all for this post, as I am at work and should probably be doing something more productive than blogging. :)

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