Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Gym locker room etiquette...

Ok, so I know that some people are more modest than others when in the gym locker room. I definitely fall on the side of more modesty, as I refuse to shower at gyms that have clear doors, no change areas, etc... But I definitely feel that there is a line of decency as well. Yesterday, after my swim, I encountered a woman that took a flying leap past that line of decency. So I would like to send a message to her through goes.

"Look lady, it's great that you are confident about the way you look. Fantastic, congratulations, we're all happy for you. But that does not mean that we need to see you prancing around in your lacy blue thong, and admiring your giant fake books in the mirror from all angles. Seriously, do that at home. And if you plan on changing at your locker, please do not take a locker in the main aisle way where we all have to walk past you when there are plenty of other ones off to the side available."

Ok, I feel better now. And for those that are thinking "maybe you should just not look". Trust me, that was not an option. This lady really wanted everyone to see her. She was standing in front of the sinks in a room full of mirrors checking herself out. RIDICULOUS!

On another note....last night was another night of progress in the pool. I'm learning to break my workout into sets, instead of just trying to swim for a certain amount of time. Sunday was 6 sets of 10 with an extra 6 at the end just for fun, and last night was 6 sets of 12! Hooray for progress. Now that I'm starting to feel slightly more comfortable in the water, I'm looking for a little help from all of my fishy friends. Here is your assignment: Leave a comment with the 1 thing you think I should focus on that will help me the most.

Ready, set, comment!


FindingKona said...

Girl you crack me up! Anyway, the swim:
If you can, join a master's group or pick up a book on drills. Learning a few basic drills to work on will help you improve your technique and ultimately your performance.

Anonymous said...

Well, what is your biggest weakness in the water? Let's start there. Unfortunately with swimming, you can always improve on EVERYTHING!