Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Things I learned at the Ski and Snowboard Show...

This weekend was the Windy City Ski and Snowbaord show. So my sister and I went to explore all of the fun new stuff and get her boyfriend set-up for the season so he wouldn't have to use her old stuff. I learned a few things while there.
  1. I really, really need to demo a Never Summer board at some point. They look pretty amazing
  2. Tee (Veronica's boyfriend) can be very grumpy and stubborn when hung over.
  3. I love the new Subaru Outback. Too bad I just bought a car, but congrats to Subaru for finally finding a way to make it not ugly!
  4. I will probably be purchasing a new pair of Oakleys at some point in the near future. The new Trouble frame is awesome (available Nov. 1). Ridiculously huge, but still manages to not look ridiculous. I have 2 accounts that they looked good (from people who would definitely make fun of me mercilessly if they didn't look good). Now I just have to decide if I want them in black or turquoise?
  5. I need to do more snowboarding this season! Even if it is just at the pitiful midwest resorts. More roadtrips are in order!
  6. I am recruiting people to head up to Michigan with me on Dec. 18 for 6 for 1 day at Boyne Mountain! What better reason to skip a day of work than 6 for 1 lift tickets?? Who's in?
  7. And most importantly.....the Oakley reps are hot! :) I'm still amazed that one in particular didn't talk me into buying the Troubles on the spot....although he did talk me into getting the Ravishing at the show last year. And yes, he remembered me.

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