Monday, September 21, 2009

I picked a good one...

This morning we were give a choice for the WOD....and leave it to me to pick a doozie....(yes I just said with it.)

Box Jump
KB Swing (30lb)
Sumo Deadlift High Pull (65lb)

Time: 8:37

I knew after the first set of box jumps that it was going to be rough, and I was right! But it's good practice for Saturday's Fight Gone Bad workout. I think I forgot how brutal FGB is, but after doing the box jumps and SDHP's which are both a part of it, it all started coming back to me. Now the feeling of excitement is turning into a slight sense of fear/dread. Just one of those things that you remember as being awesome, but while you're doing it you realize just how much it hurts. So FGB is now added to my official list of things that I think are awesome but in reality totally suck:

1. Hill repeats on the bike (I still miss our Austin Wednesday night pain sessions!)
2. The Thursday interval ride at the shop
3. FTP testing on the bike
(are you noticing a theme??)
And now #4....
4. Fight Gone Bad!!

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