Thursday, May 14, 2009

Cutting back....

So I made a decision, I'm going to try to cut down on the fake sugar that I consume. I can't say cut out completely because sometimes I just need my Vitamin Water 10 calorie, or a Diet Coke or my delicious vanilla Splenda in my coffee. But cutting back is a good start. The past 2 mornings that has meant using raw sugar in my coffee and only using 1 packet instead of the usual 2 Splenda. I did give in and have a Coke Zero with lunch yesterday, but today I skipped the Diet Coke, and so far have held off on the Crystal Light Energy drink mix even though I could really use the caffeine!

Does this mean that I can supplement with some real sugar though?? Ted does have Hershey Kisses on his desk.... :)


FindingKona said...

Ugh! Artificial sweeteners are soooo bad for you! You'll feel so much better if you kick them for good. Stick with the real deal. Or "new" stevia if you need something more potent.

Aldi26 said...

Well then I can have my Vitamin Water again! The 10 calorie one is sweetened with Truvia, which is from the stevia plant! :)

Good because I cheated and had one this morning!