Friday, July 24, 2009

On the DL....

And in this case....DL stands for disabled list. :( Monday's deadlifts made my lower back sore, but I was feeling ok when I tackled the Tuesday back squat WOD. I even felt good enough to throw in a short run and some pull-ups at the end of it. But when I got home, I realized something was wrong! So I have spent the past few days unable to move without pain. So that meant no CrossFit, no running, no riding, no nothing.... I'm going crazy!! Tuesday and Wednesday I was ok with sitting on the couch after work, just because it hurt so much. But as of yesterday and today, I'm just starting to go nuts. I know it's still not healed, there is still some pain there, so I know that I need to continue the rest. I really don't want to take chances with my back, it's kind of important. But I'm really, really hoping that I will wake up feeling fantastic tomorrow morning and can head out for a ride or run. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!!

1 comment:

FindingKona said...

Take care of yourself, girl. You'll be back at it in no time... just don't force it.