Friday, July 17, 2009

Today's was awesome!

I needed a good one after yesterday...and I got it! Woo hoo....back to loving CrossFit! :)

WOD (made up on the spot by Coach Jim since the main WOD called for 30 muscle-ups....ha ha, I don't think so)
50 wall ball shots (16# ball)
40 push-ups
30 kettle bell swings
20 waiter's walk lunges (hold the kettle bell above your heaad with one arm - 10 w/ right arm, 10 w/ left arm)
10 box jumps (on our awesome giant tractor tire!)
400m run

Time: 12:01

The 50 wall ball shots right off the bat wore me out! So I was pushing for the entire 12 minutes. I tried to "sprint" the last 100m of the run and got back into the gym and laid out on the floor! So exhausted, but it felt awesome.

I'm on a total CrossFit high this morning! Although it could also have something to do with the delicious conconction that I made afterwards, involving some Starbucks iced coffee and my chocolate Carnation Instant Breakfast! Mmmm.... soo good!

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